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Zinkod — communication, new living language creative and useful

Zinkod - filling the information space with positive solutions and tools.

Zinlite is marking, QR and barcodes that lift your mood.

Zinlite is beautiful information.

Zinlite is a short information.

Zinlite is clear information.

Zinlite is a technovitamin and a digitalpositive.

Zinlite is a technology that improves consciousness.

Zinlite is an integration of various ways and means of transmitting information.

Zinlite is an integration of various ways and means of transmitting information.

Zinkod-creating conditions for the most comfortable interaction between humans and technology, allowing you to develop and save all types of resources.

Zinkod keeps up with the times, all the achievements and developments of modern technology will be available to the project, even holograms do not seem such an unattainable element. All this and more will be possible in the foreseeable future.

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To add words, rules in the Zinkod language, images, videos, to share information via social networks, please register on our website ( go to the registration paget ), it will not take much time.

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We offer to create and develop. We suggest that you polemize while respecting your interlocutors.

Users of the project post information, taking into account copyright compliance.

A demo version of the project's capabilities and prospects.